Saturday, October 24, 2009

First Jack-O-Lantern

Today we went and got a few pumpkins and carved a jack-o-lantern. Charlotte was really not too sure about this activity. She loved picking out pumpkins and bringing them home, but when we cut in to the pumpkin and starting pulling out its innards she kept her distance. She even moved the chairs on the front porch so that she could watch, at a safe distance, in comfort as mommy carved the pumpkin. When she saw the finished product she was a little less timid. She enjoyed taking the top on and off. Hey, I had fun! It's been years since I've carved a pumpkin.

New Hobby

Charlotte is REALLY in to books lately. I love it! She loves to sit in her chair in her room and "read". She'll do this for about a half hour! Just enough time for me to clean something, organize something, or just get dressed and brush my teeth! We've gotten in the habit of reading first thing in the morning too. I'll go in, get my sleepy little tot out of her crib, grab a blanket, and snuggle up to read a few books before starting the day.

She loves to find things in the books, like little lady bugs, people looking out of windows, animals' tongues, dogs, and other little things. Most of her favorite books revolve around animals. She loves a book about ducks that I brought home from work, along with a book about animal tongues. She also loves a book from Grandpa and Grandma Linda called If I Could, she loves the fact that the little "girl" (she's really a raccoon) in the book also has a stuffed bunny (like Charlotte). She is just really in to books right now, reading them to herself or her babies or having mom or dad read them. She also loves when I pretend to read to Amelia :)