Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Many Faces of Charlotte

Charlotte is not very good at hiding her emotions. You usually know exactly what she is thinking by the expression on her face! Below are a few faces we've managed to catch on camera. (And thank you Grandma Babs for the idea for this post!)

This one we've come to call her "scrunch face". We are not quite sure what it means, but she tends to do it when a lot of people are around....IE, when we are walking around the mall!

This is her "I'm doing something I am not supposed to be doing" face. (Here, going through mommy's diaper bag.)
This is Charlotte's much loved "under bite face". She may have gotten this face from our dog, Amelia, who also has an under bite or her great-grandma Beecheler who used to make this face. Either way, we love it!
This is just the cute bath-time face!
These next two are examples of her "I'm-so-happy-I-can't-contain-myself face". Thankfully we see this face ALL the time!


Anonymous said...

from MJ: Charlotte is so cute when she smiles. I love Charlotte's scrunchy face. It's so funny! Love, mj

Charlotte, you are a sweet little soul and we can't wait to see you soon! Love, Aunt Lisa

Anonymous said...

hahahhahaha i LOVE all the many faces of charlotte! :)