Monday, June 23, 2008

"Hey, I can use these things"

A few weeks ago Charlotte "found" her hands. It was a darling discovery that I was privileged to witness. She was waving her arms around, as she often does, when suddenly her hand flew into her line of sight. She stopped the hand right there in front of her eyes and studied it as if it were an artifact from an archaeological dig. Since that first discovery, she's been studying these things at the end of her arms constantly (mostly be sucking on them!). She hadn't quite figured out that she could actually DO things with them......until today.

Charlotte was laying on her playmat, which she likes to do. She usually does a lot of kicking and chatting and watching all the toys. This morning she did something new.....she reached up and grabbed the little parrot that was hanging down. This was no accident, she did it again and again and had such an intense and proud look on her face, it was priceless!

I was lucky enough to catch a few great shots of this discovery.

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