Saturday, February 21, 2009

Latest Tricks

I was in Chicago over Valentine's Day, so Chuck and Charlotte celebrated with out me. Chuck got Charlotte a balloon which she LOVES! She quickly learned how to pull the balloon down by its string. Watch the fancy hand-over -hand technique. It is adorable to see, she does it so carefully and diliberately.

When you ask Charlotte to "make a silly face", this is what you get.....

Charlotte discovered that she can climb up (about 3 inches off the ground!) on her toy. She thinks this is just the most fabulous thing ever. She'll step up there and just stand for 15 minutes or so, as happy as can be!

Charlotte is wear barrettes now....there's not too much hair up there, but I couldn't resist. She looks so much older with them in her hair!


Anonymous said...

Ok. i need to get there aaaaaasapp! i can't believe how much she has changed! i can't take it!!!! ahh and that was the cutest thing ever with the ballon!!!! ahh 3 more weeks!!!

ps. your fireplace looks GREAT!!!!

Anonymous said...

She's obviously a prodigy... she didn't even have to look at the ribbon to get the balloon down! Yeah, Char! Too cute...