Monday, July 6, 2009

Family Time in Madison, Wisconsin

Charlotte and I spent three weeks in Madison in June visiting my sister and spending time with my Dad. It is rare that our whole family gets to spend this much time together since we are spread out all over the country. Our reason for being together is not one any of us would have chosen, but we made the best of our situation and had some wonderful times together as a family.

One of the neatest parts about our visit was the bond that developed between "the cousins": Anna, Mary Jane and Charlotte. The three girls were inseparable. Many times through out our visit we heard phrases such as "I'm not going if Charlotte isn't going," or "I want to sit by Charlotte," or "How much longer til Charlotte wakes up from her nap?" While these statements came from Anna and MJ, Charlotte, although she can't really talk yet, would show her total admiration for her cousins by crying every time they left for swimming, tennis lessons, or baseball practice without her. These girls were more like sisters than cousins by the time we left to come back to Maryland. It really was sad to break the threesome up!

Charlotte's first real swimming pool. She LOVED it and would run back to the edge of the pool as soon as you took her out.
MJ pushing Char in her "car" which she spent many hours playing with on the front lawn.

Aunt Heather and Charlotte at Anna's school for a party celebrating the end of the school year.
Cute little Char Bar in the hallway of Anna's school.

The three girls often ate on the floor next to one another.
Fun with Aunt Lisa.

At the Children's Museum with Anna.

More Children's Museum
Charlotte feel in love with ducks in Madison! We saw them all over including in Lisa's neighbor's yard almost every night.

1 comment:

Lisa Bauer said...

Charlotte, we miss you so much.

Anna says, "I hope you come back soon, Charlotte!"

MJ says, "I love you, Charlotte!"

It's not the same without Charlotte on our swing in the backyard or walking around the kitchen getting in my cupboards.