Sunday, November 1, 2009


We had a lot of Halloween fun this year with Charlotte. She seemed to understand the concept a little better than last year! We read books about dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating to get her in the spirit. She liked being a ladybug. As soon as I showed her the costume (thanks Lisa!) she began to point out ladybugs in all her books.

Our neighborhood has a really cute little Halloween party for the kids at our clubhouse. There's lots of food, a craft table, a parade, and at the end all the kids get on stage to collect their goody-bags. These pictures don't do the whole thing justice! It was just really adorable to watch Charlotte take this all in. She participated in the parade and stood up on stage. One of the older girls "helped" her.

We just went to two houses trick-or-treating, then we sat on our front porch and handed out candy. It was a fun night!

The best pictures I got of Charlotte in her costume are actually from the weekend before Halloween at a friend's party. Here's Charlotte heading in to the party.
Charlotte and her friend, Sophia.

Coloring at the craft station at our neighborhood party.

Just one of the kids, getting ready for the parade.
Charlotte and her little friend, James, being helping in to the parade line.
Checking out all the costumes!
Checking out the candy bowl on our front porch.
Picking out something yummy!
A ladybug walking down our driveway.....Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

I wonder what costume was Charlotte's favorite at the parade! Charlotte was really cute! We noticed she was starting to grow a lot of hair. Love, MJ

Anonymous said...

What an adorable ladybug! I think she is just like her Gramps and has his same love for candy. We love you, little bug.

Gramma Linda and Gramps

The Moyse Crew said...

Hi there! I've been too busy! I love her tiny black shoes! I actually went back up again to see them a second time! Gosh how cute! Take care! Bye Becky